by Val Troy | Sep 29, 2023 | ChatterBoxx
Orla Doherty and I brainstormed lots of things, some good ideas, some horrendous ones too it’s fair to say. But when an idea gets under our skin we tend to do it rather than talk ourselves out of it. Sometimes the only way to know if you can do something or not is to...
by Val Troy | Sep 29, 2023 | Val's Blog
It’s happened. I’ve turned 50. That’s 50 successful trips around the sun, I’m mightily proud. I was born in 1973 on a Wednesday. I’m supposed to be full of woe but I can’t align myself to that, I’m more than grateful for my lot in life and for all the amazing people...
by Val Troy | Sep 29, 2023 | ChatterBoxx
When Orla Doherty and I started together we realised very quickly that we had a very similar sense of humour although one of us has slightly fewer filters than the other (Orla…I’m looking at you!) But we needed a name, a proper legitimate comedy duo handle. ‘Orla and...
by Val Troy | Sep 29, 2023 | Val's Blog
Hello, hello! Thanks so much for joining me. You are very welcome to my blog. Hopefully, you will find something of interest along the way but if not, let me know what does float your boat, and let’s have a chat about that too. My name is Val Troy and this is my new...
by Val Troy | Sep 22, 2023 | ChatterBoxx
Orla and I have lots of ideas, not all of them are stellar but we rigorously filter out anything that doesn’t make the cut. But every now and then we get an idea and it feels like an itch that must be scratched. Or is that just an annoying rash, hard to say sometimes....
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