ChatterBoxx Funny Women Dublin

ChatterBoxx Funny Women Dublin

Emboldened by the success of my debut comedy gig in April 2023, my comedy co-writer, Orla Doherty and I got in touch with Lynne Parker, founder of Funny Women, the leading UK comedy community. We wondered if there were any upcoming Funny Women gigs in Dublin and we...
Comedy Debut

Comedy Debut

When you tell people that you do standup comedy the most common reaction is “Oh my God, I could never do that”. Truth be told, I used to think that too…but I did it anyway. Why? As a comedy writer, I felt that the best way to figure out if my writing was funny or not...
From Page To Screen

From Page To Screen

Orla Doherty and I met in Writers Ink, our online writing group in April 2021. As a fellow comedy writer, it’s unsurprising I suppose that we gravitated toward each other. After lengthy Covid restrictions and an even lengthier WhatsApp back and forth, we met in person...
Val Troy, Comedy Writer – My Story

Val Troy, Comedy Writer – My Story

My name is Val Troy, and I am a comedy writer. I didn’t always write comedy. Back in the day, I was an accountant (I suppose I still am), and while debits and credits are great, they aren’t much craic. In 2021, I decided to write fiction, so I joined Writers Ink. It’s...