Greg McWilliams, former head coach of the Ireland Ladies rugby team, is host of the All Walks podcast (formerly GMc Interviews podcast).

And as the title suggests, Greg chats with guests from all walks of life. I was genuinely delighted when Greg asked me to be a guest. I think he found the notion of an accountant turned comedian in her early 50s intriguing. I guess I can see why.

Anyway, in June this year, we sat down to chat at The Vico Rooms at the Queen’s Bar in Dalkey. It’s a gorgeous performance space. Barbara Scully, Orla Doherty and I did a book festival event there in June as part of the Dalkey Book Festival. Our event, The Madonna Effect: Reinvention As You Age was sold out a few weeks in advance, and the support blew us away.

So, back in the familiar surrounds of The Vico Rooms, Greg and I chatted away effortlessly. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s talking, so Greg and I got along like a house on fire. My interview with Greg is 30 minutes long, so if you have half an hour to spare, please listen in. The episode is available wherever you get your podcasts, and it’s available here.

Greg chats with loads of fascinating guests so give him a follow on social media and see who is up next.